8 Nisan 2021 Perşembe

Presence Types in Educational Experience

    Educational experience framework is the presence types that occur during lessons. Each types of presence affect the educational experience of the students and therefore the importance given to the presences directly affect the experience in the end, for the better or the worse. 

    Social presence, as its name suggests, is all about the students feeling their presence acknowledged in a social context. To make this happen, teacher needs to create environments for students in which they can express their feelings and thoughts. These inputs then must have an effect on the flow of the lesson so that the student can feel their presence having an effect on the environment. In the days of online education teachers have to utilize various of tools to make students contribute to lessons so that they can feel socially present. 
    Transactional presence in its simplest form is the act of students recognizing the presence of each other. To recognize not necessarily requires an interaction, which is the act of cognitive presence that is about to come. Transactional presence is achieved when a student answers a question or gives a presentation, making the other students feel the person speaking is a part of the class. 

    Cognitive presence is the interaction of students. Sharing and taking thoughts and feedbacks is a crucial part of this presence type. In order to achieve having students feel cognitively present, teachers need to create tasks that require group work. Thanks to group works, students feel that their thoughts have an impact on the others. 

    The last but not the least is the teaching presence. Teaching presence is what makes other presences be possible in the first place. Without designing how the lectures will be prosecuted, the other presences simply have no room to exist. It is safe to say that teaching presence is the foundation of the educational experience. 


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